Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy developed in the late 1980’s by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan. Now recognized as the gold standard in treating those with Borderline Personality Disorder, DBT has also proven to be more effective than traditional talk therapy in treating a range of issues that have difficulty in regulating emotions at their core.
DBT combines contemporary research findings on what helps people make lasting change with ancient mindfulness practices borrowed from eastern and western contemplative traditions. Adherent DBT includes one-on-one structured therapy sessions, weekly DBT skills group and DBT skills coaching in-between sessions. DBT treatment includes a multistage approach.
- Stage 1: Treats the most self-destructive behavior, such as suicide attempts or self-injury.
- Stage 2: Begins to address quality-of-life skills, such as emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness.
- Stage 3: Focuses on improved relationships and self-esteem.
- Stage 4: Promotes more joy and relationship connection